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Van: A. van Loon
Date: zo 10 jul. 2022 om 16:00
Subject: Fwd: Prayer request

I find it very difficult to stand above, be the wisest person and to come into forgiveness, acceptance and healing with a terrible situation I had recently where a woman who is working in a healing and deliverance ministry who was very mean to me. She has been bullying me with mean comments. She doesn’t apologize for her behavior and words and choices on purpose and she is not telling me that she is sorry for having hurted me in this way. On top of that her boss only protects her and does not stand up for me. This only increases the injustice and the hurt and pain for me. They don’t take full responsibility as a ministry and don’t recognize my pain with this. I experience this as a serious case and long term effects of spiritual abuse and having been bullied. And in the end, they just drop me and close the door for me and don’t solve it with me. For them it is finished but not for me, because I am left with all the pain. It feels like I’m even worse of than when I came with them the first time looking for healing. They let me down.
So, therefore I also need to forgive the boss and the whole Christian organization of Ellel Ministries and all people working there at this healing and deliverance ministry for this injustice towards me . I have been doing courses with them for healing for the past 3 years. Now it has ended in this negative way. That leaves me heart broken, angry and sad among things. It makes me look back on the period with a bitter taste, because of how this woman and also other people have treated me badly sometimes. I hope I will be able to forgive, let go and move on a.s.a.p. Pray for this to happen, for me to forgive fully and let go fully and give it to God. Pray for God to take this frustration away from me a.s.a.p.

I also still feel bad because this same woman asked me over and over again whenever I would see her if I had found a job, but in a negative condemning way, in which she showed me she didn´t believed in me that I would find a job and labelled me as a loser and inadequate etc. Pray that I will forget about these mean comments, forgive, and renew my mind.

Furthermore please pray for me to be able to move on, because I felt so sick about these things the last 2 weeks, that I could not sleep and do anything else than think about this all day long and not get on with my life. I am still in need of a new job, but I am to preoccupied with this matter so now I don´t function well enough because of all this. Please also continue to pray for my marriage, newborn baby and our finances. We need many further financial miracles, also from all governmental aid services for which we apply. And for me to find a job where I will be save and don´t come into bad situations like these or anything else that will cause me harm. Blessings Amanda, Karsten and Rhodé

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