Prayer requests

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  • Pray all abuse toward me and my son is ended now. Please pray for my son to lose weight safely and healing from past hurts. My brother for healing. Thank you.
  • Please pray for me that I don't have skin cancer. Please pray for my son to lose weight safely and healing from past hurts. My brother for healing. No more abuse in my new apartment. Thank you.
  • Please pray for a witch coven to be removed from upstairs that is wreaking havoc in our apartment building. Please don't pray for peace with the witches. What has light got to do with darkness? Please pray for my son to lose weight safely and healing from past hurts. My brother for healing. Thank you.
  • Please pray for a witch coven to be removed from upstairs that is wreaking havoc in our apartment building. Please don't pray for peace with the witches. What has light got to do with darkness? Please pray for my son to lose weight safely and healing from past hurts. My brother for healing. Thank you.
  • Please pray for a witch coven to be removed from upstairs that is wreaking havoc in our apartment building. Please don't pray for peace with the witches. What has light got to do with darkness? Please pray for my son to lose weight safely and healing from past hurts. My brother for healing. Thank you m
  • Please pray for a witch coven to be removed from upstairs that is wreaking havoc in our apartment building. Please don't pray for peace with the witches. What has light got to do with darkness? Please pray for my son to lose weight safely and healing from past hurts. My brother for healing. Thank you m
  • Please pray for a witch coven to be removed from upstairs that is wreaking havoc in our apartment building. Please don't pray for peace with the witches. What has light got to do with darkness? Please pray for my son to lose weight safely and healing from past hurts. My brother for healing. Thank you.
  • Please pray for a witch coven to be removed from upstairs that is wreaking havoc in our apartment building. Please don't pray for peace with the witches. What has light got to do with darkness? Please pray for my son to lose weight safely and healing from past hurts. Please pray for my dog for healing because we live in a toxic environment. Thank you.
  • Please pray for a witch coven to be removed from upstairs that is wreaking havoc in our apartment building. Please don't pray for peace with the witches. What has light got to do with darkness? Please pray for my son to lose weight safely and healing from past hurts. Please pray for my dog for healing because we live in a toxic environment. Thank you.
  • Please pray for a witch coven to be removed from upstairs that is wreaking havoc in our apartment building. Please don't pray for peace with the witches. What has light got to do with darkness? Please pray for my son to lose weight safely and healing from past hurts. Please pray for my dog for healing because we live in a toxic environment. Thank you.
  • Please pray for a witch coven to be removed from upstairs that is wreaking havoc in our apartment building. Please don't pray for peace with the witches. What has light got to do with darkness? Please pray for my son to lose weight safely and healing from past hurts. Please pray for my dog for healing because we live in a toxic environment. Thank you.
  • Please pray for a witch coven to be removed from upstairs that is wreaking havoc in our apartment building. Please don't pray for peace with the witches. What has light got to do with darkness? Please pray for my son to lose weight safely and healing from past hurts. Please pray for my dog for healing because we live in a toxic environment. Thank you.
  • Pray for Valentine's family to settle in B'lore in the yr2024,bless Neha with Bank job govt job in B'lore, Nikki to be placed in the best Company of Engineering with high package in B'lore,bless Vellu Judy with good health good jobs in B'lore,bless Neha Nikita with suitable loving holy understanding rich catholic life partners who will keep Vellu Judy with them now and always, healNehas Nikitaseyes and uterus heal Nehas throat from auto immune disease,heal Judy from cancer depression anxietyphob
  • Please pray for a witch coven to be removed from upstairs that is wreaking havoc in our apartment building. Please don't pray for peace with the witches. What has light got to do with darkness? Please pray for my son to lose weight safely and healing from past hurts. Please pray for my dog for healing because we live in a toxic environment. Thank you.
  • Please pray for a witch coven to be removed from upstairs that is wreaking havoc in our apartment building. Please don't pray for peace with the witches. What has light got to do with darkness? Please pray for my son to lose weight safely and healing from past hurts. Please pray for my dog for healing because we live in a toxic environment. Thank you.
  • Please pray for a witch coven to be removed from upstairs that is wreaking havoc in our apartment building. Please don't pray for peace with the witches. What has light got to do with darkness? Please pray for my son to lose weight safely and healing from past hurts. Please pray for my dog for healing because we live in a toxic environment. Thank you.
  • Please pray for a witch coven to be removed from upstairs that is wreaking havoc in our apartment building. Please don't pray for peace with the witches. What has light got to do with darkness? Please pray for my son to lose weight safely and healing from past hurts. Please pray for my dog for healing because we live in a toxic environment. Thank you.
  • Please pray for a witch coven to be removed from upstairs that is wreaking havoc in our apartment building. Please don't pray for peace with the witches. What has light got to do with darkness? Please pray for my son to lose weight safely and healing from past hurts. Please pray for my dog for healing because we live in a toxic environment. Thank you.
  • agree I have healign in mind and favor to keep rospering
  • Please pray for a witch coven to be removed from upstairs that is wreaking havoc in our apartment building. Please don't pray for peace with the witches. What has light got to do with darkness? Please pray for my son to lose weight safely and healing from past hurts. Please pray for my dog for healing because we live in a toxic environment. Thank you.
  • I'm a teacher. I am in a situation in which my job is not honoring a legal document they gave me about my pay when I was hired. Human Resources is stating that I will get paid and the director is stating that I will not get paid. I am very stressed out about this. I have bills to pay. Please pray that this works out and I am able to pay all my bills, buy groceries, and pay for transportation. Thank you!
  • Please pray for a witch coven to be removed from upstairs that is wreaking havoc in our apartment building. Please don't pray for peace with the witches. What has light got to do with darkness,? Please pray for my son to lose weight safely and healing from past hurts. Please pray for my dog for healing because we live in a toxic environment. Thank you.
  • Lord Jesus by Your blood please answer all my prayers in my books & journal. Praise You Lord Amen &Amen
  • Please pray for a witch coven to be removed from upstairs that is wreaking havoc in our apartment building. Please don't pray for peace with the witches. What has light got to do with darkness? Please pray for my son to lose weight safely and healing from past hurts. Please pray for my dog for healing because we live in a toxic environment. Thank you.
  • Please pray for a witch coven to be removed from upstairs that is wreaking havoc in our apartment building. Please don't pray for peace with the witches. What has light got to do with darkness? Please pray for my son to lose weight safely and healing from past hurts. Please pray for my dog for healing because we live in a toxic environment. Thank you.
  • Please pray for a witch coven to be removed from upstairs that is wreaking havoc in our apartment building. Please don't pray for peace with the witches. What has light got to do with darkness? Please pray for my son to lose weight safely and healing from past hurts. Please pray for my dog for healing because we live in a toxic environment. Thank you.
  • Please pray for a witch coven to be removed from upstairs that is wreaking havoc in our apartment building. Please don't pray for peace with the witches. What has light got to do with darkness. Please pray for my son to lose weight safely and healing from past hurts. Please pray for my dog for healing because we live in a toxic environment. Thank you.
  • Please pray for a witch coven to be removed from upstairs that is wreaking havoc in our apartment building. Please don't pray for peace with the witches. What has light got to do with darkness,? Please pray for my son to lose weight safely and healing from past hurts. Please pray for my dog for healing because we live in a toxic environment. Thank you.
  • Please pray for a witch coven to be removed from upstairs that is wreaking havoc in our apartment building. Please don't pray for peace with the witches. What has light got to do with darkness? Please pray for my son to lose weight safely and healing from past hurts. Please pray for my dog for healing because we live in a toxic environment. Thank you.
  • For Angel to be healed from trauma of being raped, and for wisdom and safety for her. For her to draw close to God again, more than ever, and that she find peace. For deliverance from addiction as well.
  • Please pray for a witch coven to be removed from upstairs that is wreaking havoc in our apartment building. Please don't pray for peace with the witches. What has light got to do with darkness? Please pray for my son to lose weight safely and healing from past hurts. Please pray for my dog for healing because we live in a toxic environment. Thank you.
  • Dear Pastor Pray for me to move to a new place state and start new life. I'm 53yr. Pray God supply financial to buy my own apartment and a good job Thank you
  • Please pray for a witch coven to be removed from upstairs that is wreaking havoc in our apartment building. Please don't pray for peace with the witches. What has light got to do with darkness? Please pray for my son to lose weight safely and healing from past hurts. Please pray for my dog for healing because we live in a toxic environment. Thank you.
  • Please pray for a witch coven to be removed from upstairs that is wreaking havoc in our apartment building. Please don't pray for peace with the witches. What has light got to do with darkness? Please pray for my son to lose weight safely and healing from past hurts. Please pray for my dog for healing because we live in a toxic environment. Thank you.
  • Please pray for a witch coven to be removed from upstairs that is wreaking havoc in our apartment building. Please don't pray for peace with the witches. What has light got to do with darkness? Please pray for my son to lose weight safely and healing from past hurts. Please pray for my dog for healing because we live in a toxic environment. Thank you.
  • ....Father, You instructed us to pray for those in authority, and we liftup JBiden. We pray that JBiden will abide under that same covering. We extend the common honor to JBiden that has beenascribed to all in his position. God, we thank You for placing favor on the highest office in ourland. We ask for Your protection for JBiden and his family. We bind every attack from the Aryan Nation, covert Naziorganizations, skinheads or any other racist group that hates and targets Jewish people. We bind
  • ....Father, You instructed us to pray for those in authority, and we liftup JBiden. We pray that JBiden will abide under that same covering. We extend the common honor to JBiden that has beenascribed to all in his position. God, we thank You for placing favor on the highest office in ourland. We ask for Your protection for JBiden and his family. We bind every attack from the Aryan Nation, covert Naziorganizations, skinheads or any other racist group that hates and targets Jewish people. We bind
  • Please pray for a witch coven to be removed from upstairs that is wreaking havoc in our apartment building. Please don't pray for peace with the witches. What has light got to do with darkness? Please pray for my son to lose weight safely and healing from past hurts. Please pray for my dog for healing because we live in a toxic environment. Thank you
  • Please pray for God's timing in all things and for peace and healing related to God's timing. Continue to pray that Jesus justify by his blood, for breakthrough, for miracles of physical healing, and that God bring me together with the good and Godly husband he has for me. Pray for love, faith, and that God calm every storm in Jesus name. Pray against anger and frustration. Please also pray God pour out his Holy spirit on us and on my family, this city, this nation in Jesus name.
  • Please pray for a witch coven to be removed from upstairs that is wreaking havoc in our apartment building. Please don't pray for peace with the witches. What has light got to do with darkness? Please pray for my son to lose weight safely and healing from past hurts. Please pray for my dog for healing because we live in a toxic environment. Thank you.
  • please say your prayer about the cat 3 y., she was adopted but now she is cruelly abandoned on the cold . Pray for good people to solve the problem with warm home for her very soon. Thanks
  • Please pray for amos to respect and honor his parents. Pray for spiritual maturity in his life.
  • Please pray for peace, for healing, for freedom. Pray God send my husband. Pray Jesus come quickly to accomplish these things and justify. Pray and declare Luke 18:7, please: "Will not God bring about justice for His elect who cry out to Him day and night? Will He continue to defer their help?" Pray for great breakthrough and LOTS of love and redeeming love and grace.
  • .I received letter 2/16/24 stated data breach released my name, address, birthdate, social security, $$ salary compensation I was offered identify theft protection 2 yrs. There was no mention of the circumstances except took place at employer. Please pray for me. I appreciate it.
  • Please pray for a witch coven to be removed from upstairs that is wreaking havoc in our apartment building. Please don't pray for peace with the witches. What has light got to do with darkness? Please pray for my son to lose weight safely and healing from past hurts. Please pray for my dog for healing because we live in a toxic environment. Thank you.
  • I'm 53yr, I have partial hearing but I want to staying at brother's apartment. Pray for healing and to have finance. My brother said he doesn't like me, talks to me rudely. Now he doesn't want sister to give my fixed deposit money which is under my and sister name, he threatened me to kick me out if I touch that money, it's my mum's money, she gave me n sister,she passed away last year. He's going to take all my mum's money for himself. He has money and properties, because of that he
  • Heavenly Father, we pray you open the eyes and ears of the committed, partially-committed, and unsaved to receive the truth of your imminent judgment upon the earth, which will affect all humanity. Father, we bind the influence in Jesus' perfect name that those whose eyes and ears are opened will seek the instructions for protection found in Zeph 2:2-3. The Lord's roar against all humanity in Jer 25:30-31 and Zeph 3:8 is coming. Help them get right with you, Lord. In Jesus' name. Amen.
  • please pray for a woman Santa to get a sveral calls and messages with home offers for the ginger white cat R. whose owners moving to other country and dont want to take him with. Only 2 days left, pet can be killed. Pray for information to be spread out and for the charities and volunteers to be involved tnx
  • Please pray for a witch coven to be removed from upstairs that is wreaking havoc in our apartment building. Please don't pray for peace with the witches. What has light got to do with darkness? Please pray for my son to lose weight safely and healing from past hurts. Please pray for my dog for healing because we live in a toxic environment. Thank you.
  • Please pray for a witch coven to be removed from upstairs that is wreaking havoc in our apartment building. Please don't pray for peace with the witches. What has light got to do with darkness? Please pray for my son to lose weight safely and healing from past hurts. Please pray for my dog for healing because we live in a toxic environment. Thank you.
  • Please pray for amos and his wife spiritual growth.pray for God's protection and guidance in their lives.
  • Dear Pastor At the entrance gate of my Apartment building, there are 2 chairs and a table at the side. A security guard misuse the place and sits at entrance and not at his guard post and stares n looks at me as I go out n in. Please pray management building manager will remove the 2 chairs and table and replace with non sitting non standing item so that guard will remain at his post. I cannot approach the manager as it put me in danger, management office open half day. Thank you
  • Please pray for a witch coven to be removed from upstairs that is wreaking havoc in our apartment building. Please don't pray for peace with the witches. What has light got to do with darkness? Please pray for my son to lose weight safely and healing from past hurts. Please pray for my dog for healing because we live in a toxic environment. Thank you.
  • Please pray for a witch coven to be removed from upstairs that is wreaking havoc in our apartment building. Please don't pray for peace with the witches. What has light got to do with darkness? Please pray for my son to lose weight safely and healing from past hurts. Please pray for my dog for healing because we live in a toxic environment. Thank you.
  • Please pray for a witch coven to be removed from upstairs that is wreaking havoc in our apartment building. Please don't pray for peace with the witches. What has light got to do with darkness? Please pray for my son to lose weight safely and healing from past hurts. Please pray for my dog for healing because we live in a toxic environment. Thank you.
  • Dear Pastor At my apartment - Aquarius apartment - There is security guard who nowadays purposely sit at front gate and he stares at me , he knows my timings going out. He doesn't sit in his guard post. I can't go for my evening walk The building manager not bothered. Pray please Lord remove him, send someone authoritative to tell him off , to go back and sit at his guard post place. Or remove him permanently.The management turning blind eye , that's why he's brave to do this
  • agre I prosper in healing and realstae and fiances.esily
  • agre I increase in healing nad that moey comes to m though government and people easily
  • Dear Pastor 1) pray for protection from building security guard elderly man, always stares at me when I go out. Pray God remove him. 2) my mum died in this apartment pray for a new beginning, I want go to new state and work n stay. Pray God bless 3) new job suitable with my health condition ( hearing problems 4( I'm 53. Pray life partner
  • Please pray for us: - My husband Karsten will hear about a very likely potential next workplace/job this week, also if his new workplace (VKG insurances) can agree upon all conditions and package included in this job offer, pray for wisdom, discernment, the right direction for him and God’s guidance, God’s best option to come to pass, the right door(s) closed and the right door to be opened - I have send my cv and motivation letter to several employers, two of them which I can possibly combine
  • agree Im strong in healing energy and that I ahve connections to real wealthy people and that I have wisdom and favor to prposper all of 2024 easily.
  • Father, we lift up Israel, from the land and throughout the diaspora, to you always. That you would keep your hand over your people, in Jesus' name. Help everyone from Jacob's seed receive the Messianic understanding and that they should seek Elohiym in their hearts. Bless you, Father, for your faithfulness and that we would be about your business. We give you all the glory, all the praise, all the honor, and all the credit. We pray all these things in Jesus' matchless and holy name. Amen.
  • Please pray that God would set me free from a spirit of gluttony and confusion in Jesus Name
  • i am saved,please no need to contact me just pray.I suffer with worry and anxiety and paranoia,i get really paranoid in many ways and i have bad anxiety and i worry alot,please pray the fear will stop and i will be free from it and at peace and fearless and pray God will comfort all my fears and pray God will replace all my fears with his peace everyday.ALSO pray i will be consumed and overwhelmed with Gods comforting presence and love everyday.thankyou
  • Agree iI have healig light and faith and healing.
  • Please pray for freedom for me, God's mercy, healing, that every curse break. Please pray God's will be done with me regarding desire, intimacy and romantic relationships and that God be glorified in that in me in Jesus name. Pray for breakthrough in these things in Jesus name.
  • My son has job interview 10-10-23 it is remote and that's what he wants the company he's working for is closing so he really needs this job.
  • Hi pastor and my wonderful brothers and sisters at Cherry Carson AOG!Please say a prayer for me i am saved yet homeless at 77 in NYC because of the constant struggle it feels like i might be dying so the prayer will help me take it like a man!GOD bless you bother Danny 10/7/23
  • -Ask God to bless me with a wife, marriage, children, good health, strength, longevity, happiness, sickness-free, genuine friends, financial stability, peace of mind, wealth, a better job, salary, and environment. Heal me of my teeth, gum, mouth, skin, eye, mental and psychological diseases, anxiety problems, lump on my head, mouth and gum, erectile dysfunction, insomnia, masturbation problem, speech, indigestion, high blood sugar, varicose veins, belly injury/lump on my stomach, hernia, vertigo
  • I'm asking for agreement in prayer, please: Please pray for freedom, for abiding faith, for love, and for miracles of healing. Pray for lasting relief, for mercy, and for God's grace. Pray for all anxiety and fear to leave completely, for a sound mind, and to fully trust and believe God. Pray for the healing to manifest in the way and timing God wants for me and that the authority of Jesus set free, heal, break every curse, and CAST OUT and SHUT THE DOOR on the sicknesses afflicting me in Jesus
  • Dear Pastor I want to move to another state start new life. My mum died here, my brother n sister don't care esp brother. I'm 53yr. I'm praying God to give me new place n good job in another state. Please pray.
  • I've been struggling with a spirit of fear that doesn't want to leave for many years now. This spirit of fear will often come over me in social interactions/situations and it's ruining my life, and my relationships! Need deliverance from it. Also need to start being able to sleep right again, and get healed enough to be able to do some sort of work as right now I've got too much time on my hands and it's true what they say idle hands are the devils playground.
  • Dear Pastor My elder sister and my younger brother doesn't want to give me the fixed deposit money which is under my and sister name. Now she refuse to give me my half. Please pray I get my money and that I leave and stay another place. Thank you
  • Good morning faithful, My husband is going to do his exam for his work later this week on Tuesday the 29th of august in the morning around 10.00 AM Europe time. After that, he is going to look for another job, because his current job will end in October. Pray for the right direction in this, for wisdom and discernment, God’s best in finding a safe and stable work environment, especially for the long run. I am still in a time of recovery and transition towards a possible new job as well. Thank
  • Please pray for the Presence of Jesus, protection, covering, blessing, and favor over my life and ministry. Pray for open doors for the Gospel. Pray for more souls saved, miracles, and healings despite oppositions. I have meetings on Aug 28-29, Sept 4, 11 - 27, Oct 5-11, and Nov 28. Pray for the Presence of Jesus, wisdom, favor, anointing, discernment, and discretion. Pray for Greg to receive deliverance. Pray for Bethany to return to Jesus, and to be reconciled to her mother.
  • Please pray that God would help me to overcome everything I'm battling (especially sin). Pray that God would help me to find a new job and give me strength to keep up with my chores. Pray that God would help me in finding a spouse. Finally pray that God would give me breakthrough and that His peace would reign over my life.
  • Dear Pastor Please pray for Lord to provide either a new unit apartment or new place (different area) to stay and financial blessings.My mum passed away here. I need to move from there , peace of mind I'm 52 yr not working Thank you
  • Please pray for the Presence of Jesus, protection, covering, blessing, and favor over my life and ministry. Pray for open doors for the Gospel. Pray for more souls saved, miracles, and healings than ever before despite persecutions and oppositions. I have several important meetings coming up, the most crucial on August 1 & 8, and September 13 - 27. Pray for the Presence of Jesus, wisdom, favor, anointing, discernment, and discretion. I must choose words well. Pray for Greg for deliverance
  • Hi pastor and all my wonderful brothers and sisters at Cherry Carson!Please say a prayer for me i am saved yet homeless in NYC at 77 years of age for many years and now i have no strength left to fight the good fight of faith!GOD bless you brother Danny 7/29/23
  • Please pray for God's justice for me, for freedom, mercy and healing. Pray God cast out all fear with his perfect love, keep me, my mom and my family (and my biological father, and his family) from all evil, hard testing, and harm, and the final test, and fix what's wrong in Jesus name. Pray for God's justice, for freedom, for lots of love, healing, mercy and grace.
  • My mum gone, died untimely death choke Infront of me. She was my joy n purpose in life. I'm 52yr, now all alone, Please pray I'll find purpose for my life ahead, I have to find a good job, new place to stay and good people.
  • I still hate God but I wish I didn't. I can't find lasting freedom. Please pray for me.
  • Please pray God enter into my pain and fix what's causing it (there's too much to even begin) because I still keep wanting to die. Please continue to pray against a spirit of suicide and that God move quickly to defeat this and the murderous anger I feel.
  • Please pray for a witch coven to be removed from upstairs that is wreaking havoc in our apartment building. If you pray for peace with the witches I will send them to live with you. Please pray for my son to lose weight safely and healing from past hurts. Please pray for my dog for healing because we live in a toxic environment. Thank you.
  • Please pray against a spirit of suicide, a spirit of judgment and a spirit of burning. Pray for deep healing and peace with God. Please pray for a mighty miracle (God knows the need). Pray God redeem the time and all things in Jesus name. Please pray for satisfaction in place of frustration and that all demonic oppression and manipulation stop in Jesus name.
  • Please continue to lift of this prayer request until there is breakthrough in the material! Pray for freedom from all oppression related to the desires of my heart for a husband, my sexual identity, and that everything not of God be powerfully blasted out of the water and gone forever in the mighty name of Jesus. Pray for faith to believe in the almighty power of God in this area, peace with God related to this, and that I will experience and live in God’s goodness in the land of the living rela
  • Please pray for me to have peace of mind on my mum's(Sarjit kaur 85yr) untimely death cause choking, I blame myself, I didn't check on her. I never do that.Why did this happen to my mum, I pray psalm 91 daily over her, give HC. How do I live ,my faith is destroyed. I feel useless,I couldn't help her.
  • Please pray God continue to pour out his Holy Spirit on us and for unquenchable holy fire. Please pray God’s will be done in my mom and my living situations and that we not be alone. Pray God bless me and my mom with peace. Pray to be equally yoked and that neither of us would be alone or desperate in any way. Pray God cast out all fear with his perfect love and for freedom to worship God. Pray God’s will be done in my mother’s and my relationship and that God help me submit to HIS will in our relationship where I’m not in Jesus name. Pray for a spirit of Elijah. Pray for love and peace in alignment with God’s will. Pray God be kind and merciful to me and help me understand his will, give me faith, zeal and boldness in alignment with his will in my situation and help me trust him and believe in him. Pray every demon interfering with my mother and my ability and desire to worship God be cast out in the name of Jesus and never come back in Jesus name. Pray God remove every hindrance and mountain in the way of me and my mom worshiping God in all the ways he wants us to in Jesus name. Pray we would both have worshipful, prayerful, thankful hearts full of joy, peace, faith and love in Jesus name. Pray we’d be abundantly blessed in this in Jesus name. Pray the Holy Spirit would not be quenched and the devil be cast completely out of this family and household in Jesus name. Pray God’s kingdom come and will be done, for grace and that God keep us from all hard testing/harm/evil in Jesus name. Pray every ancestral curse break in Jesus name.
  • Pastor My mum died, she had bedsore wound. We've been going to clinic to get wound clean daily. On third day,we came back from clinic, she was fine, the clinic gave a patch to put to prevent other bedsores. I saw when we reach home and immediately told sister don't put that patch as years ago the same patch cause severe reaction. Sister didn't listen, put patch, few hours later cause her saliva come out n choke her. Normally clinic never recommend patches. Why the Lord allow patch that kill mum to come to my house.? I need to know, I'm condemning myself,she's not supposed to go.
  • Needing continued prayer: Please pray for a song that is for me because I feel like I have been left behind and forgotten by God and like I don’t fit anywhere. Pray God remove all hurt, anger, bitterness and resentment. Pray against a spirit of suicide and wanting to die. Pray for complete healing, peace and reconciliation with God. Pray every curse completely break, every demon flee, and that God provide for the deepest longing of my heart. Pray God answer the questions on my heart, and fix what’s wrong, touch, restore and heal me in Jesus name. Pray for love, hope and faith. Pray for breakthrough regarding the healing of my womb, body and mind that I need and miracles of God’s perfect provision regarding the longing of my heart.
  • I wanted to ask for prayer today. I had been having thoughts about death. I haven’t been having them recently but I wanted to ask for prayer that God would expand my days and prolong my life the same way he did king Hezekiah, and that I would not die but live to declare the works of the Lord. Thank you
  • Fervent prayer needed: Please pray against a spirit of suicide in Jesus name. Pray for hope, faith and love and that God overtake me and fix what is wrong and heal the wounds that keep causing this evil spirit to keep returning in Jesus name. Pray this evil spirit be bound from me forever in Jesus name. Pray my healing, deliverance and freedom come quickly in Jesus name.
  • Fervent prayers of faith needed, elders please pray: Please pray for the complete healing of my mother’s kidneys. Pray no weapon formed against her would prosper. Pray no evil be spoken over her. Pray every demon causing sickness and infection for my mom and me be cast out, every curse over our bodies and minds be broken, and for MIGHTY MIRACLES of healing and restoration. Pray against all pain and fear for my mom and me and that all sickness/infection GO RIGHT NOW in Jesus name. Pray these things be finished and sealed in Jesus mighty name. Pray God help my mom and me look to Jesus for healing, give us understanding, faith and a greater revelation of who he is, and that God remove all doubt, confusion and all unbelief about who he is and why he died on the cross for us. Please pray God remove every mountain in the way of his will for us and keep us from hard testing and from the final test in Jesus name. Pray for great BREAKTHROUGH, healing and restoration in Jesus name.
  • Good day, Please pray for: • My new job that will start with a training period from Monday the 6th of march, next month. As customer service (rules and regulations) at RVO, a governmental financial body, for mostly entrepreneurial questions for subsidies. • I have to learn a lot, all sorts of laws and rules, regulations for clients to go more environmentally friendly most of all, about the agenda to get more green etc and be more innovative. • !!!-> My husband, Karsten, has an important EXAM for his job at Tuesday the 14th of march at 13.00 PM CET which he needs to pass in order to continue his work at an (travel) insurance company. For stability and continued success and fulfillment, and for steady, good work results and test results. Please continue to pray for me and my new job: · That I will be and stay open, positive, motivated, committed and fully go for this opportunity · That it will be and stay a success · That I will be fully prepared, equipped and ready! · That the training period, two weeks from 6 till 18th march will go very well for me · That I will be an excellent worker in this function for God’s glory and their satisfaction · For me for God's wisdom, energy, discernment for this job · For me to fit will into the team with all the co-workers and have good work ethics and relations · For me for God's protection / covering / and anointing over me to deliver great work for this company, also with all the people involved (I will work mostly Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays) · More overall joy, peace, shalom, happiness · Protection, safety, wisdom, guidance, stability of faith · healing and deliverance meetings I am having. · Our marriage. · Increase in income (also for some building projects our house needs), more finances, for governmental aid and other financial support and allowances to receive. Blessings, Amanda
  • Please pray that God would deliver me from anxiety and help me overcome every situation I'm facing. Pray that I can overcome every demonic attack and be healed. Pray that God would give me direction and clarity. Finally pray that God would strengthen me and give me peace.
  • i am saved,no need to contact me just pray.I was raped by a man when i was a boy and now because of this i suffer sexually and suffer with sexual torment in my soul,please pray the sexual torment will stop and i will be free from it and at peace and pray God will comfort me from the past abuse.ALSO pray i will be consumed and overwhelmed with Gods love everyday and my soul filled with his peace everyday.thankyou
  • I worked with a ministry, ICM, from 2020-2021, but I left on bad terms. A powerful person poisoned the leadership against me and portrayed me in a horrible way. I would like to invite the employees from that ministry to a weekly Zoom prayer meeting to shower God’s blessing, goodness and love over the ministry. Pray it will build bridges, mend broken relationships, heal broken hearts. Pray for wisdom in making the invitation, wisdom in the timing, and that it will be well-received, and that many people, even my enemies, will attend and be loved and blessed. Pray for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the prayer meeting, that God will lead and guide it, and for conviction, repentance, forgiveness, healing, purification to take place, for God to pour out the fruit of the Spirit and bring revival through the prayer times. Thanks.
  • Please pray that God would give me the strength to make the right decisions in my life and supernaturally help me to work harder. Pray that God would completely heal my body and mind. Finally pray that God would deliver me from anxiety and depression.
  • Needing breakthrough prayer, please. If you are willing, please pray fervently until you have peace from God that it is done/accomplished! Thank you so much: Please pray against a spirit of suicide. Please pray God provide “a lot more than a bandaide” for the bullet wound in my soul. I need a lot more than a bandaide. Please pray against bandaides when much more is needed in Jesus name. Please also also stand in faith against the demon that is trying to come after me and interfere with God’s plans for me in Jesus name
  • Please pray for my mom Lorraine’s salvation and pray for her healing. She lost her hearing, has memory loss, bad posture, body pain, and high blood pressure. Pray for excellent health. Pray for a long life for Lorraine.Pray for the removal of debt and financial blessings and financial security for Lorraine. Pray Lorraine’s possessions last a hundred times longer and will supernaturally become newer and repaired. Also, please pray for salvation and excellent health and long life for my uncle Seve,aunt Jackie and Pray salvation, healing and long life for my mom's boyfriend Joe who has cancer.. In the name of Jesus Yeshua Hamashiach Amen . ... Please Pray GOD Blesses me with a life partner real soon in JESUS Name. I've been praying for this since 1995