Dr. Janet Tomiyama at UCLA is recruiting participants for a new study investigating how intelligence can manifest beyond traditional IQ measures. If you are eligible, you will be invited to our lab and:

Taste test different foods
Provide saliva and hair samples to measure hormones
Complete questionnaires
Give a short speech
Watch a tv show
Subtract numbers
Have your height and weight measured

You will be asked to come into our lab twice (1-month apart) for a 2-hour session. Our study will reimburse you for parking (up to $12) or rideshare (up to $50 roundtrip) as well as offer free childcare options for children under 12 years old. Participants can earn up to $225 for their participation. All information that you provide will be kept confidential.

If you are interested in participating in our study, please complete this survey (https://uclapsych.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_ctNbadqZ4YUZCbY) to determine your eligibility.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us via email at uclabeyondiq@gmail.com. Our study team is happy to help!

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