Prayers needed:·        For further

Prayers needed:·        For further guidance of the Lord when it comes to finding a job, for God’stiming, His will be done, and work that is right and fulfills me with joy andpurpose. I am going to apply for a job before the end of next week for acustomer service position that seems to be just right. I hope this, at last,will go very well for me and that God will bless this.·        I need to go to our new dentist for a regular checkup, next week Wednesday the23th of November at 15.00 o’clock. The assistant on the phone didn’t soundednice, but rather controlling and trying to sell extra services. Please pray forme, that nothing will be wrong with my teeth and that I don’t need extratreatments. ·        For God to bless my husband continuously at his job, that God will enablehim to keep this job long-term and be successful. For my husband to be able tohave a steady solid job that fulfills him. That he will be able to get apermanent contract next year so that they will keep him and that he will beable to keep working at this company.·        For a strong unshakable faith, marriage and finances. ·        For revelations of and sticking to the truth. For wisdom, discernment andfor God to lead us into all truth. ·        For sharpness, discernment, wisdom, confidence and clarity.·        For successful spiritual warfare·        For my emotions, for a more stable structure during the days and weeks,good time management, maintaining Godly boundaries, and for good nights ofsleep without nightmares.·        For our finances, increase of income, to receive from governmental aid,taxes and everything else.·        For an important healing and deliverance meeting I am having this comingFriday the 18th of November with a women named Dana. I am meetingwith her multiple times over the coming time period, seasons.·        For the healing journey I am partly doing with a Christian practitioner andEMDR with a non- Christian practitioner.·        For the forgiveness of earlier psychological practitioners, when I was 15years younger, that wasn’t Godly and was wrong and harmful for me. And for the fullforgiveness of certain other people.

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