The leadership of

The leadership of my former ministry has been poisoned against me by an evil man. On Mon, Dec. 12th I sent them an email designed to bring healing, express my love, build bridges. Pray that that email will be received well and that it will build bridges, not walls. I told them I plan to spend 40 days fasting (as I can) and praying at the Jerusalem Western Wall (during Lent) for God’s love and grace towards the ministry, cleansing, and for God to build it on foundations that can last 1000 years. Pray that God will cover all the expenses, the arrangements, visas, inexpensive flights, and provide a free place to stay. I also would like to write a living covenantal vow of my lifelong service to the ministry, which I will redraft and publicly renew each year after I do the 40 days of fasting/prayer at the Western Wall during Lent each year, redrafted according to what the Lord is teaching me about service and leadership, and the changing needs of the ministry. Pray for guidance on drafting the first and predominant version of the vow, and pray that through this God will restore me to the ministry.

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